LMA is not an easy game to master but the game provides a worthy challenge for putting your mind to it.

User Rating: 6.6 | LMA Manager 2007 PS2
LMA was not the easiest game to play but it wasn't impossible neither. the only way you'll ever win at it is by thinking of stratigies that you think will help your team win matches also getting the players fit and exercised is the most important thing you'll need otherwise they'll just stand there and let the opposition pass without trying to get the ball. tactics and training are only the first part of what LMA has to offer you theres also the task of handle employees, player contracts, the transfer market, and your stadium building investors. overall the game is quite difficult depending on which team you choose and how you manage them like MAN UTD there an easy team to handle but its difficult to actually start them training or like a scottish team low funds but still great teams to manage.