This game is amazing!

User Rating: 10 | LocoRoco PSP
I cant believe a PSP game can be so good! There isn't many PSP games that make me play until my hands hurt because of the PSP's awful design in grip but since another brilliant puzzler which is called Mercury this game has kept me entertained for absolute hours.

The visuals are so colourful and cartoony that when you first lay your eyes upon them you gasp in amazement! The PSP's LCD screen really does show the colour on games and a game as colourfull as this really does seem to make ths game the best visual eye candy on PSP.

The music and sound is brilliant and even though the music sounds funny I always seem to hum it to myself when im out walking my dog etc. The sound is nice and loud so it can be easily heard when playing and it really does make you feel cheerful.

The gameplay s so awesome though and the way you can make the Loco Rocos bigger and then press o to make them it a bunch of Loco Rocos is so cool. But tilting the screen to make the Loco Rocos move is the best part and really does halp to show of the phisics which push the small handheld to it complete limits!