Charming. Absurd. Brilliant in its own way.

User Rating: 8.3 | LocoRoco PSP

Take a look at the title. It's quite silly, is it not? Yes. It is. And so is the game itself.

But it's the good kind of silly

I'm sure that no matter what, violent and dehumanizing are going to be released on a monthly (if not, weekly) basis. Additionally, with every one of them that gets released, more soccer moms and conservative lawyers all around the nation are raising their pitchforks and torches in preparation to do anything below rioting. Not to mention the collective opinion on gaming takes yet another nosedive into hell.

Before anymore idiots decide to hate on bloody sandbox-style games, they should take a good, long, hard look at something that isn't whatever Rockstar produces.

LocoRoco is a game about controlling little bubbly balls of fluid into hopping, bopping and singing as they travel throughout distinctive worlds, eating to grow big, splitting apart to fit into smaller tunnels and grabbing onto house parts wherever they can find them, all in an effort to protect their planet from evil aliens. While not anti-violent, it's so adorable and silly... you just gotta love it. The simplistic graphics and incredibly catchy soundtrack (that the rocos sing along to) just help create an atmosphere.

An atmosphere accomplished by making something so utterly charming, even the most cold hearted of people just gotta smile.

On the downside of the experience, the game ain't long and it ain't hard for the most part. That makes it a bit unfortunate, but when there's so much to do does it really matter? Making a house for your Rocos with the parts you've collected alone is a great way to waste a few minutes inbetween playing the levels, along with the minigames you can play as well.

PSP owners out there, drop what you're doing and give LocoRoco the time of day. Same with you anti-gaming communities. Forget that violence dominates some games and realize that there's more to games than fistfighting and submachine guns.