Being a proud owner of Locoroco, I do have to say I was sceptical at first, but found it's both fun and a chick mag....

User Rating: 9.8 | LocoRoco PSP
Being a proud male owner of Locoroco, I do have to say I was sceptical at first, but found it's both fun and a chick magnet. I mean really, every girl I show it to wants to play it, and I'm getting quite popular. Plus the fact that inside we all knows it's fun. It has great graphics, hype music, and the gameplay just makes sence. The world may seem alittle repetitive, but who cares!!! Its extremly addictive and is even fun to watch other people play. There arn't many games that can say that. Out of the 161 mario spin-offs (I checked, that's is the current total. I'm telling you, Nintendo loves to recycle their S-ugar H-oney I-ced T-ea) I havn't found one that kept me entertained for more than an hour with out me saying " hey, didn't I see that mushroom before?" So don't go complaining that theirs always an ice level and junk, Each is unique in how you interact and the parts you play with. So, screw the plumber and join the Loco's, we're more fun. I would advise it to any one with younger siblings(it shuts them up for hours!!!) or wants to get a girl. Trust me, it'll work.