Keep Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, Rolling.
The gameplay is amazing and it will definitely hook you into it. If you don't love this game you seriously need to kill yourself. Who doesn't love rolling around a big blob? The controls are really easy to get a hold of because basically all you use is the R and L buttons. The R button to tilt the world to the Right and the L button to tilt the world to the Left. Press them together to make your LocoRoco bounce. Easy! That's all you have to do is roll them by moving the world left to right. The gameplay definitely gets a 10!
The story is great but it is a little wierd. Now don't get me wrong I love these wierd games like LocoRoco and Katamari games but this story is kinda wierd and a little childish. You and your LocoRoco buddies hang out on this beautiful world where you do a lot of fun stuff together and the fun seems like it will never end. But then one day, the Moja Corps came down from outer space and are trying to take over your world! Now of course the LocoRoco's are a peaceful bunch but they have never learned out to control an invasion coming from outer space. So now it is up to you to roll, bounce, and tilt your way through many different levels to finish the game and beat the Moja's and make them go away. Yes, I know it sounds wierd. But the game is great so the story doesn't really matter.
The features of this game are great and they couldn't be better. In the game you will collect little purple things called Pickories which can be used to play mini games. When you collect the Pickories in all the stages they will be added up to your total. You can use your Pickories to play Mini Games such as Mui Crane which only costs 100 Pickories. There are also games like Chuppa Chuppa and Loco Editor. In Chuppa Chuppa you'll have to be sucked in by a Chuppa which is this wierd creature that sucks you into it's nose and moves its body up and down and you have to press the L and R buttons to have them blast you away. It's kinda like Golf. But it is a really fun game!
Loco Editor is my personal favorite because you can create your own levels and share them with your friends via Ad Hoc. During the main game you will collect parts that you can use in your Loco House and Loco Editor. Create your level and challenge your friends to beat it.
In Mui Crane, you have this crane and you have to pick up stuff. It's kinda like those games at the mall or the arcades where you have to move the crane and you get a little bunny or something but this is easier. There are different things to collect. You can collect LocoRoco which will be added to your Loco House so you can have a bunch of LocoRoco's playing in the house. You can collect 3 different boxes all with stars on them. Inside are items you can use to build your Loco House or use for Loco Editor. 1 star means the item is not that rare, while 3 stars means it is a really rare item. You can play this game for only 100 Pickories a game.
Loco House is a fun game where you build your LocoRoco's a nice house that they can play in so they can relax and enjoy themselves. Inside the houses or sometimes outside are little blue balls. If one of your LocoRoco's manage to grab that ball it will contain an item that you can use for your Loco House or for Loco Editor. This game is fun but if you are trying to collect those blue balls it can get REALLY annoying. First of, you CANNOT control your LocoRoco meaning that they will bounce around pretty much anywhere they want so that makes it harder. Second, if they are getting close to the ball they usually are stupid and turn around and go back. So sometimes it's really, really hard to get some items. You can create your own house and share it with your friends via Ad Hoc.
This game is also like Me and My Katamari because you can take pictures of yourself playing the game! Yay! All you have to do is press Select on your PSP and you automatically have a picture. A screen will pop up asking you if you want to save it or not. If you click yes, you will have to save it onto your memory stick which will take up some KB but not to much. The cool part about taking pictures is you can copy them to your PSP photo's and you can have them as your PSP background! Then you can delete the pics from your memory stick.
Overall this is a really great game but it does have some flaws that can annoy you. Like that Loco House where you can't control your LocoRoco's and during the game if you don't press anything your LocoRoco's might wander off. For example. To grow into a big LocoRoco in this game you have to eat red berries. Well, in some areas when you step on something a red berry might start growing. If you wait for it to grow, your LocoRoco might run off somewhere like down a hole that leads to somewhere else and you can't go back to get that berry unless you start over. But anyways, the game is great and I highly recommend you buy it first. But if you aren't drawn by this game by reading any of the reviews then go rent it and decide for yourself.