LocoRoco's unique level design and refreshing gameplay mechanics makes LocoRoco one of the best platformers for the PSP.
These round blobs, or LocoRocos, as the game calls them, are looking to save their homeworld from the evil Moja by bouncing, singing and occasionally jumping into a Moja to kill it. You guide the LocoRoco by pressing L and R, which tilts the environment in the corresponding direction, which forces the LocoRocos to roll. Pressing both L and R causes the LocoRoco to jump.
That pretty much sums up the majority of the gameplay. But don't be put off by the game just yet. Playing LocoRoco is stacks of fun! These LocoRocos are overflowing with personality, and sing some great tunes throughout each level, and you just can't help but sing along!
While LocoRoco is a very simple game, there are lots of obstacles in your path, such as walls which must be broken down and giant stick men which you must jump over. The most challenging aspect of the gameplay, however, is trying to complete each level to the fullest.
This means collecting hundreds of small flying berries, discovering the 20 big berries that makes your LocoRoco grow, and finding Mui Muis which give you an item for The Loco House, as fast as possible.
The Loco House is a fun little diversion that gives you a small environment to add items that you have collected throughout the main game, such as staircases and some bouncy material, and place them wherever you like. You can then add a non-controllable LocoRoco, and watch it overcome your obstacles.
LocoRoco's levels are short but sweet. The biggest levels could take you around ten minutes to traverse. This makes LocoRoco perfectly suited for gamers on the move. But for those of you who are looking for some real depth and challenge, trying to collect everything in the game will keep you occupied for a very long time.
Ultimately, LocoRoco is a lot of fun for everyone of all ages. It's short but sweet gameplay, and clever level design will keep you coming back for more. There are hundreds of items to collect that adds replay value and a little depth to what seems like a shallow game. LocoRoco's personality and charm make it all the more worthwhile.