Simple Controls, Well suited Graphics, Highly Additive Gameplay, With the added annoying yet Wonderful music.
You control the world with your Little LocoRoco with Six to choose from all with their unique voices and singing on each stage, each world has eight stages all different from one another while on different worlds you'll get the same type of stage i.e snow, Ice but they will be still completely different to previous worlds, during the gameplay you will have to Catch,Jump, Bash, Tilt, Split and Rejoin, Fall then Jump again to get to the end of the Stage, the main objective to the game is just Collect all the LocoBerries (20 in all in each stage), find you friends Mui Mui which are hidden all over the stages, catch all the Pickories which all found all over the place and most imortantly avoid the Moja!
Your Little LocoRoco grows and grows and they all commincate to one another in a language you'll neer understand and when your full your will sing a song during gameplay but if you were to split up then they all sing together! and overtime you'll soon start to seen along with them! If you were to watch them just to see what they do, then they will speak to one another and jump about around the place. The further you get into the game the more rewards you will get! collect Loco House Parts for your Loco House along with Mini Games (Three to choose from) including the Six LocoRocos themsleve's! (Yellow, Pink, Blue, Red, Black and Green)
Dont worry if you feel you failed at your first try just try again! this one of the best Platformers for the PSP as it has some much Replay Value to start play through as you feel and then soon go for that Perfect score searching everywhere for those Lost LocoBerries or Hidden Mui Mui or even those forgoten Pickories it will keep you playing for quite sometime which is actually a great thing!
So if you've always thought that DS were the best at these sort of games you've been proven wrong, LocoRoco for the PSP is one of best and most surprisingly well devoloped games ever released on the PSP and the Reward for completing the game would be to Play it again!
Dont be put off by the Europe release being first over time everyone can enjoy this game to its fullist so Buy it, Import it, Download it just Play it!