User Rating: 5.1 | Lords of the Realm III PC
Honestly this game bites, and man does it hurt. I've been a huge fan of the Lord of the Realms series since Lords of the Realm 2 and its expansion. Both those games were superb and I WAS SO ANXIOUS FOR THIS GAME TO COME OUT. After 20 min of playing it I could tell right off it wasn't the same Lords of the Realm that I played earlier and this wasn't in a good way. There are only 5 missions for the tutorial that don't explain anything and they are the biggest waste of time. This version is so dull and dumbed down I can't even bare to play it. You can't even choose which troops that want you to build! It also takes 5 min just move your army across the map. There are far better games out there, Medievil Total War for example.