Awsome game now if can make somthing like this, but online it would be even greater. I'm wating on the next one!

User Rating: 8.9 | Lost in Blue DS
Game might take a while to figrue out, but after that it can be a breeze. Animal Crossing has nothing on this except for online play. This game rox if you do not have it get it. It has three different stories say it has great re-play value. Yes some parts get tricky, but with help from faqs and cheats you can get throught them. Oh and by the way it has a great story! It also has different endings, so that brings the re-play value even higher. It is an awsome game get it now! Man what else can I say. You might get hand cramps from playing this game too long I did. That is how addicting it is, so go get it.