The Most Creative RTS ever!
User Rating: 9.5 | Lost Magic DS
Lost Magic is a fantastic game, and that's all their is to it. In it you control Isaac, the chosen bearer of a mystic wand on a quest to find his father. The plot won't blow you out of the water but the game play will. You control Isaac with the touch screen and go around the level defeating monsters in typical top down RTS fashion. However, when you hit the L button a magic rune pops up. You then draw whatever spell you want on the rune and Isaac will cast the spell. When you draw the rune more accurately the spell will do more damage and you can also combine spells for cool effects like turning your enemies into time bombs or summoning dragons. In addition to controlling Isaac you can also capture, upgrade, and control a group on monsters in battle. It is important to capture as many monsters as possible so that you can adapt to certain situations. The game is awesome but it is also really hard. Casual gamers will not want to pick this one up because it will destroy you. However, those looking for an engaging, challenging, creative RTS would do well to pick this one up.