Absolutely great! A game that will immerse you into it's great story line and just plain fun to play!

User Rating: 8 | Lost Magic DS
It's got a great story line, but has almost like a 'manga' type of play out, useing mainly pictures and the classic speech bubbles for cut scenes. theres realy no exploribility at all to the game, just useing a single map for the hole of it and having travel as simple as tapping the destination on the map and your charecter travels a specified path to reach that destination, sometimes encountering a random battle. furthermore you can't enter into towns or shops, and the onlyway you can get items is to find them on the rather small battle maps, in which you have a time limit to stick to or you loose the battle. but...
though this makes the game a little boring in a way, the story line is great and... well... casting magic is just plain fun! you can't do anything to customize your charecter and the movement set up is rather limited, you cast a myriad of different spells, combining some together for different effects, like shooting fire-lances through walls and destroying enemie's with and explosion of dark lightning!
you may wonder what use items are for sinse you can't use them for yourself. well you have the ability to catch monsters, and once you catch a monster they stay in your roster till you say otherwise. giving another fun objective to the game till you have every single monster out there and have made an undefeteible party of the most powerful Dragons and Golems and what-not, than equiping them with items and leveling them up. there are even a few with their own unique abilities.
So though the game is small it is quite fun and under appreciated, a perfect game for a rainy day.