May not look amazing from just a few screen shots but when you get into the story, your instantly hooked.

User Rating: 8.5 | Lost Magic DS
When you think of an RPG you expect, your going to have to do alot of leveling and collect as much items as you can so your ready by the time you get to the next boss. But this game makes a new face for RPG's for me.

While in almost every other RPG your collecting hundreds of items, even thousands by the end, but in this game you rely on magic. And it pretty much shoves the whole relying on items to save you idea, and your left with just exp. raising items.

while your in battle, (its real time too by the way) you must hold down the L button and draw neat different shapes using the stylist to use spells on your enemy's. The thing that shocked me about this game was that By the end of the game, (By the way its a long, solid game that you wont beat in a week) I havent even learned over 100 spells yet (there are over 400 spells in game).

The enemys are real creative and fun to fight. Alot of people complain about the games difficulty, and im not saying its easy, cuz its hard, but do they really want an easy game? I was extremely pissed while playing boss fights but when you get into the easiest way to make your way around in killing the bosses, you realize it wasnt so bad and you could do it again.

Another unique thing is that you can capture your enemies and use them on your side while in battle. This helps alot in areas where there are alot of enemy's. (no, its NOTHING like pokemon.) You can capture alot of enemy's (i believe all) and choose which ones you want while in battle whenever your not in battle.

The games great. By the end you grow close to the characters. Which is why I want a sequel. :P Im just gonna go over a few things people might want to know about the game in point form below,

-The game uses completely and only the touch screen. You use it to control the characters while in battle and to attack and everything.

-on the map you use the stylist and it looks like a map you walk across until more story comes up or you get into a battle.

-no walking through towns and stuff. you only control the characters while in battle.

-game is long

-Difficult game

-2 different endings (if im wrong its 3, but im sure its 2).

-Thats all, please leave me a comment if you have any questions. thanks for reading!