This game is pretty horrible. Every level you do has a time limit, so if you don't complete it within that time you fail and gain nothing. No exp on the mobs you killed, and you lose any mobs you captured. Also, using the stylus in this game is retarded, because you have to stand still to cast anything. If you are trying to attack a monster, you have to let it beat on you while you try to draw some stupid symbol on the screen. Then you end up having to stop what you were doing to spam draw-heal yourself to try and stay alive. The monsters you can have on your team are retarded. They will run into walls while enemies beat on them and kill them. It requires micro management to the extreme. The fact that there are NO MELEE ATTACKS in this game make it horrible as well. You have to hold up the DS with your left hand while drawing with the right. The D-Pad and A, B, X, and Y buttons go COMPLETELY UNUSED and it really devastates this game. You SHOULD have been able to move with the D-Pad and cast while moving. Having to stop to cast every single spell turns from, "Ok, I can get used to this." to "OMFG MOVE YOU FAT PIECE OF CRAP!" If you mistarget or mis-select ONE time it can get you killed. THIS GAME SUCKS.
First off, I'd like to salute the "They Say" reviews for their surprisingly ignorant and biased opinions. A 6.8 is very wrong. Gamespot's review was good, but I still don't think a 7.9 does this game justice. Here's w... Read Full Review
lost magic is a perfect rpg game it is very simple and decent. you are a boy called isaac who lives with your grandmother (or so it seems for some time) At the begining you get to learn three spells fire heal and ice.... Read Full Review