The magic may be lost, but at least this game isn't

User Rating: 8.5 | Lost Magic DS
Don't be fooled by Lost Magic's highly RPGish look, this is an RTS at it's core. Sure you level up, but the core game machanic is commanding your maonsters and casting magic spells using the very innovative Rune Drawing system. Basically you draw simple symbols to cast spells but then as you progress through the game you can combine spells making limitless amounts of spells. The single player missions are very striaght forward, they give you a goal and a time limit. Then after you conclude the battles you are treated with catchy jingles and text driven dialouge. The only problem I have with single player is that the difficulty is so unpredictable. You could be thinking your god one minute and then the next minute your running with your tail between you legs. But overall single-player is great. The local wireless is good but it should have had a single card download option. Now on to the Online play. It's good except for a few problems. One it's lagging all the time, two there is limited stat tracking and three people love to just rush all there monsters to your sage, well I guess that's not Taito's fault. But despite these minor flaws I still find myself giving this game at least an hour of my time each day. This game is great fun and is highly addictive. Online or Offline you will love Lost Magic.