A good, innovative RPG. Great touch control and Wi-Fi, but it has it's flaws as wel.
You follow the adventure of Issac, a young mage, who has to save the world. It's not an original story (in any sense), but your'e not going to be playing this game for a great story. However, the story does arc at one point, and the ending reflects on your dialouge choices early in the game.
LostMagic is all about touch control. You control ythe action on the bottom screen, by touching the unit you want to select (or by draggin a circle, if you want to select more than one unit) and point at an area on the screen. Although, units do not automatically go around obstacles, so they can get stuck in areas.
To cast magic, you hold down the L or R button and draw a symbol on the bottom screen. Your basic spells include a fire ball, a rock wall, and a healing spell. Later in the game, you unlock other runes that are more difficult to draw, but have different effects. Later, you can also draw two runes in succesion, which combine to make a new spell. (Level 1 Light spell(heal) + Level 1 earth spell (rock wall) = an area heal spell) Near the end of the game, you can also draw three runes, making even more different spells.
The other catch in the game is that you can capture monsters and can later control them, like your own personal army. Although you can have only three different untis at a time, and you have SP that you have to stay withing (each creature costs a certain amount of SP). This makes everything different once you learn the spell. Each monster has an element, so you have to plan before battle what monsters you will take with you.
The Wi-Fi in LostMagic is superb. At the beggining you pick the character you would like to use (either your story mode character, or a sage from the story mode). After finding an opponent, you pick a location, and then you pick your monsters. Human opponents are mcuh harder, and usually have dragons(secret monsters you can capture in the single player) that are very powerful.
Overall, LostMagic is a great game, and you should buy it if you're an RTS fan.