An awesome game - Ignore the rocky start. Its worth it in the end.
Graphics: The graphics, frankly, suck due to Nintendo DS limitations. For the viewpoint, it becomes very pixelated. Anime drawings are usually like em or hate em, so i rate by quality. The drawings aren't very good. Also, the game is a bit laggy
Sound: Music is fitting, and has a really pronunced rythem. Not the amazing, hummable tunes you get out of games like zelda, but still pretty darn good.
Gameplay: The gameplay is awesome after a point. The game is fustrating before you learn the basics, so much that many would give up. Look up guides for first few levels. Otherwise its perfect gameplay. The game forces stratagys to recover magic. Its such a tricky bit you can have trouble for a long time.
9/10 (lost a point for diffuculty and learning curve)
Value: Fairly long game, wifi connect, and good multiplayer. Pretty solid.
Reviewers tilt: Completly origional gameplay, super fun, and the diffuculty isn't all that bad. This is now my 5th favorite game (after Mario 64, Mario 3, Zelda 64, and Advance wars). May not sound that great, but i've played hundreds of games.
My final word - the best game i've played in a long time. I love it. Give it a rent, and don't quit till you get a few levels into chapter 2. You will love this game. Even if you suck at writing like I.