lost magic is a fun game that has laggy, but fun online play!

User Rating: 8.8 | Lost Magic DS
Lost magic is a game about a young mage named isaac. he is trying to find his father who is also a mage. this game works great on the ds. and heres why, using the touch screen you draw spells to cast at monsters and rival mages there are over 300 spells to cast and experiment with so the game almost never gets old. plus the game has a good story line that keeps the player interested and makes him or her want to play more.

ok now that i have the basics down i will go over each induvidule feature

GAMEPLAY: the gameplay is pretty good the game reconises most of the spells when you draw them and isaac moves well on screen. when you command monsters it feels like your playing command and conquer

GRAPHICS: the graphics are alright considering that its a 2d game

SOUND: the music doesnt get very annoying so the sound is good too

ONLINE: like i said online play can be laggy in online play you go heas to head agenst another mage you can have a rival duel, a freind duel or just a plain old duel its fun to see what your oppenent will cast at you!

well i hope this guid was usefull (by the way its my first so go easy)