This game has a fantastic storyline, that puts many new FF game to shame, and the gameplay brings back old fond memories
The different character's personalities will be explored throughout the game, though many of them you won't meet until you've played a while. Their true origins at that of the main enemy, remain a mystery until you are at least halfway through the game, wich I in particular am very pleased with, the origins of the heroes and villains is always the most exiting part of the story.
The music is composed by Nobuo Uematsu(the FF legend himself) who does an outstanding job of bringing the right FEEL to thi game. About the same game- and fightsystem as FF VIII, but that's okey, because it works well with this type of game.
It will surely bring back memories of old Final Fantasy games, and though it may not be the most inventive game, it is sure to please fans of the creators former works.