This game took me back 10 years to ff7 time

User Rating: 9 | Lost Odyssey X360

This is one good game if you have played ff7 and enjoyed it then you will love this one, so far 10 hours in and i can tell it will take some time to finish the game.

Story is good from the beginning keeping you interested, overall difficulty is easy but it does get very hard every time you have to fight the boss i would say even to hard.

I found that most times you will have to go back and level up more if you even want to stand a chance against bosses, it's not a problem if anything it a good quality that makes you change your strategy and plan your attacks more carefully.

Graphic are great for the style of the game controls are easy to remember, in game character setting are good many choices of weapons it does take a bit of time to get use to how to maximize some options to your advantage.

The only thing i found unpleasant at times is how difficult are boss battles.

If you are fan of ff7 or just want to play a good game with awesome story then give this game a go