Too bad more RPG's like this don't come out anymore. If you enjoyed old school RPG's you will love this game.
The combat is almost a homage to old school JRPG's and is very similar to Final Fantasy X in the fact that there is no ATB bar. The game features a Ring Assembly System that lets you craft rings for characters, and can give an advantage in battle depending on the enemy and enhancements the ring gives you. The effect of the ring is also measured during combat, where you hold down RT during the characters turn and then let go when the two circles overlap on screen. The game is similar to Legend of Dragoon here where you would have to hold down square when you attacked for just the right amount of time. It becomes easier over time, and the rings can deal out a fair amount of damage in their own right. Perhaps the best part of Lost Odyssey is the Link System. It allows your characters to learn and share very key abilities as your characters develop and grow in level. Only four of your characters can learn abilities via the skill link, while the remaining members learn skills as they level up. You can also learn skills by equipping these four characters with accessories, while the remaining characters only receive the bonus while wearing the item. It may sound confusing, but the concept is very well thought out and balanced. It may require some strategy as your ranks grow, but it's mainly up to how you play the game. All skills have their uses, and never will the player find himself backed into a corner because they chose the wrong the skills to learn. That being said, you will definitely get back what you put into the game.
The story starts off with Kaim Argonar, in the middle of two warring nations on a massive battlefield. As events unfold you realize Kaim is essentially immortal, but seems to have a foggy memory. From here on out you go a memorable ride and pick up some unique and entertaining party members along the way. With excellent character development, and a deep story that keeps you coming back for more, Lost Odyssey is truly the complete package. RPG fans shouldn't miss out on this hidden gem.