I am not usually a big jrpg fan, having only ever played blue dragon before, but i must admit to being totally immersed in this gripping story. maybe the first few hours or so are quite dull but after the the amazing story has had me dragged in and now i just cant stop laying, the cutscenes are of exceptional quality and the story is actually quite emotional, something i dont usually find in a video game. a special mention also to the fantastic soundtrack. i even have started to enjoy the turn based battles, tho some of the random battles can get annoying, but that is one of the few complaints about this great game. And you certainly cant fault the value of the game with four discs and around 40-50 hours playtime. i myself am around 16 hours into the game so i have over half of it to play, and i have already enjoyed so much of this wonderful wonderful game.
Lost Odyssey arrived in a heavy package. It tells the thousand year tale of Kaim, an immortal living in a world that brutally limits lives other than his. Intuitively, longevity and invincibility shouldn't make for video... Read Full Review
The endless flow of time is a harsh master to us all. Its relentless nature makes every second of life precious because, ultimately, every second that goes by takes us closer to death. So imagine if you weren't constrain... Read Full Review