we're not back home
You are a in command of 7 helicopter crash survivors in the jungle of Vietnam and it's your task to bring the men back to a city. You do this by clicking on a map. You also need to watch how many rations you have, the speed you travel, the wellbeing of your men, what route to take, how much ammo you've got, this is one part of the game. During the journey you encounter VC-patrols which you have to gun down, you'll be shot down by sniperfire and you'll have to deliver hand-to-hand combat, this is the action part. Then there are minefields, rivers to cross and a couple of villages and farmers you come across. You'll have to talk to Vietnamese to get supplies and gain information on VC whereabouts. During the journey you see pictures of the men moving through the countryside and pictures of the surroundings acompanied by a surprisingly good and catchy tune. It's a really great game and it makes me wonder why there are so few of these kind of games on the nintendo DS. They just don't make'm like they used to, hmm...
I played this game on a Amiga and not the PC-version. The PC-version is not very good with some ugly graphics. ratings are for the Amiga version. For more info on this game go to www.thelostpatrol.knagge.com