A fun game that's made all the more better with great multiplayer.
The story on this game really doesn't make to much sense and even at the end you won't know whats going on but that really doesn't matter for the most part, it's the action that keeps you going well that and the really big boss's. you and 3 other players can blaze through the main story in about 10-12 hours maybe more if you guys get a lot of game overs like we did. Levels are fairly long about 1 to 2 hours long and all of chapter has a really huge boss at the end of it. The weapons all make a big bang and tear up everything in there path. One thing you may have to put up with is getting knocked back hard but this makes sense unlike what others have said, if you get shot with a giant shot gun it's going to hurt like hell and send you flying back words, the same with getting hit with a giant leg, giant arm, giant fin, giant open mouth, etc. Really can you take a hit from those things and not get sent flying back words?
The grapple hook works great for the most part but it kind of sucks that you can't use the thing in mid air, if you could I know I could have saved my self many times. The music works out nice too and fits the levels well not to bad but not to great ether but still works. The slots in this game are used to determine what kinds of weapons and pose's and other such stuff you will get but does not work out to well and you will often get a lot of titles and I mean a lot of them. The multiplayer is ok but it wont hold you for long, it can get a bit slow sometimes more so when everybody on the other teams have got all of the VS's and are beating the crap out of your team, it also would have been nice to see the akrid show up out of the blue to terrioze the field during gameplay but oh well.
Overall the game works out great and will last you a good while and while the gameplay may not go well for others, people who like to play with others a lot will like this one. On a side note I do have good tast in games for a certain someone who says I don't.