The long rant of the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Reviewer Reviewers! The new exhibit A of fun badly revie
Two major things critics complain about. Allot of pit deaths, and aggravating stun times. Other than that, oh noez I don't understand map on bit train.
Two out of the three were old frustrations, but now happen all the more. Chances are these reviewers rely didn't play long with much others. There's just more pit deaths to suffer from in knock backs. But you have a bar that you can suffer multiple deaths with without getting game over this time, so not that bad honestly.
The stuns. Just because on game lets you still throw the nade while you're getting shot doesn't rely make it wrong for a game not to. Be thankful you don't drop it next to you, other wise not throwing could be counted as realistic when you're being riddled. As for the VS's getting stunned, well yeah. Plasma weapons are the one thing that rely lock them down so men can even the score against them. It's frustrating when you get plasma nade spammed, but welcome to video gaming. If not for the Plasma nades and energy gun that pop out pilots, VS's could rely be over powered in a skilled player's hands. Still they carry good threat.
Yeah, this game was meant to be played with others. Dur, no kidding. It only says; 'oh hai campaign mode, grab three guys to fill this screen' practically. Only people I met who were disjointed are those who won't play it with others, or those relying on reviews alone. In fact it feels like many of these reviews are mimicking what they heard sounded official and made a review of a review. :/
Pit deaths, yes, welcome to throw backs of the Contra days, but even a good death can be fun. Game is challenging, but train level being worst stage in shooter history? BS, I enjoyed the challenge and only game over ed on it twice. Sometimes you breeze through some levels and boss fights, sometimes you get that unlucky circumstance. I can live with that a bit. That's war and we get to enjoy the good of it without real holocaust. Some things will aggravate you, but again, welcome to video games.
It's called a challenge. Not every game needs to be so, but sometimes it feels good to get your ass kicked a little to know this isn't just a park walk with fire works. And when you learn to anchor shot onto akrid, VS's, Walls, and stop short the tow to get ahead or drop in without the hop after, or back flip off of any one of these, or hold on to gun someone, or behold you can actually use it to just hold on by holding the anchor shot button down turning a one passenger VS into something you can hang onto for the ride dis spite what it was made to carry, you feel the open possibilities. Dare to try them.
I ran off a floor to hang from a line, wheeled down and shot my friend in the face and reeled back up. He fount it hilarious and there's even an achievement for making enough kills in that situation. When picking up battle armor you get a 'Warhammer 40K' Space Marine kind of feel tromping in power armor and clearing rooms.
Content, tons of it. Uncheckable weapons that work in a weapon category kind of way. Get an energy riffle, it's your new machine gun pick up. Disc grenade III can be used whenever you pick up disc grenades, can choose to pick up a Plasma Gun II instead of the usual Sniper Riffle when you unlock these in the slot machine. In short you get to use what you want per weapons category that you pick up for, keeping the things you want to try just a category pick up on the field away. Not a shotgun man and would rather use that cool new revolver you unlocked? Good news, pick revolver in customization and it's your new close range shooter choice.
With that said, you're going to find yourself trying all sorts of load outs, and yet still keeping it simple enough to not fluster those of you who aren't hardcore piece customization fanatics like some Armored Core players. No hate to you fellow AC fans, and with the VS's on the field, not to mention an online multi player mode that caters to mech fans with nothing but VS on VS combat, where EVERYONE has a mech, is up the ally of many.
Besides, you'll still have plenty weapons versatility ont he field because VS weapons that you can pick up or yank from machines, or put them on VS's are still what they are regardless no matter your load out. Good balance further with things to try in that you have two slots to fill with special effects that take up one slot or two. Unlock a neat little special effect called VS Master II and you won't even need T Eng to run a machine and don't suffer from the same effects most VS's would from certain weapons, or use another perk that makes you extra potent against VS units. You never know when being reckless and jumping in front of a mech to plasma nade it now could get you in trouble.
The surprise element is very much here, as is moments skilled players can laugh off a humerus good sport death when they fall to such a situation where someone's special slot filler changed the stereotypical result and you instead rag doll drop crotch first on a railing and tip off to look like you got hit by an oncoming VS that just so happened to be flying by at the time. Heck when the game screwed me on that boss that poops you out the back end after you shoot it's innards and it crapped all of us into an instant death pit I nearly rolled out of my chair laughing.
Other content includes great mufti player maps, including vs catapult systems, underwater fun that you can actually jump swim in Mario style, provided you didn't fall into a bottomless section from being knocked out, and watch the weight of those VS weapons, you have avatar options galore. Unlock new avatars, swap all their parts and colors around. And though you'll unlock allot of titles you can wear above your head, many of them you won't want too, you're going to fall in love with at least a few.
Like mechs, heavy metal sci fi weapons, and some ziping around graphing hook action, witch in my opinion the first game probably got people speaking the words Bionic Commando again, to bad they flubbed it's franchise return, and the fun of friends and live players not just kicking your can, but learning to help together, and sharing info like how to use that train cannon, that's what online play and gaming community is for gentlemen, and several other fun things I could put in this run on sentence, yes.... The GAME IS FUN, full of goodies to unlock, and packed full of those moments you can laugh about with friends as that un expected surprise hits you.
Only want to play alone? Yeah, maybe rent it first. Those of you not sure even with friends, at LEAST borrow or rent it and try it online. It's that Left 4 Dead or Monster Hunter game that you get to play in a sci fi game with a mech count by far rivaling the first one, and good options without the dragging out quest portions. As for those hard to find data posts or other such things, yeah. It's a community pushing game. That's to be expected. Learn from others by actually being sociable and learn from fellow soldiers quick on their way to becoming seasoned.
And that's my rant on it. All those so called professional reviewers out there might try a re review, or stop basing their own bias perhaps on matching those of other popular critic's words. Feels like this time around little Billy copied someone else's test, and then others did it in turn, got all the answers wrong and are now even getting caught in the act.
Either that or that bit about Japan not quite bringing it like they use to in gaming, so they make butt hurt comment about only letting US developers have small supporting roles and hording some good potential tittles again, just for US gaming industry to retaliate in turn with even more snubbing of Japanese tittles. Yes, Japan ain't bringing it like they use too, lot of cookie cutter RPG's, dated game play, ect. But I'd say look again before urinating on some of the few games they did crank out that is actually a ball to play with others.
If there was ever a game that was crapped on by so called gamers that are professional journalists, that so called did all their own homework to so called great length, this is it. I haven't seen this much un ease in a poor label on a good game since Fighting Vipers got a bad review from good old Gamefan Magazine. And their staff rely was top notch, actually put love into their guides too. It's one thing to make a bad call, it's another to see what obviously seems to be other reviewers making bias based off of what other popular guys are saying.
Not saying this is the greatest game ever, but it's a damn good one, and should be tried with others. Won't ring with everyone, but as said; only those really not digging it are some loan players and those who didn't even really put hour one into it. Not all people will agree on things in the world, but this obvious review borrowing trend just got really obvious this time around. Little Billy needs to put his eyes back on his own paper and study longer for his test than just one or two hours when he's getting paid to do his job.
That's my ranting review, brand me and crucify me at will. But damn well play the game for a few hours and even skim some other reviews before you do. I bloody well dare ya.