Stands back compared to Gears Of War.No Real Emotion.
the moment I began the menu it seemed like a online game menu.
so as i was gonna start the campaign mode.i could not it looked as if the game is only and online
co-op i looked for it on the internet,what you had to do to play the game single player
was to change the online to offline mode then you can change a few other settings there as well.
the game started....
the only problem was that i did not play the first lost planet before this.and i did not know what the
story or even the characters and costumes .it was all so new to me.
i kept on playing more...
i knew the first one was mostly on snow but lost planet 2 changed in 2 seconds and before you knew it was a jungle scene.
the visual design the did impressed me at first.the clearing each arena is like really simple you kill the enemy and activate a few Transmitter by pressing a button a lot of time(man that is annoying-you have to press the specific button for like i do not know maybe 20 -25 time in order to activate the transmitter).
there are altogether 6 different episodes if i am not wrong.each one has a boss.some are hard and
annoying to kill and others can be fun.
OK the weapon designs in LP2 is good i have to mention they are original.
the story is nonsence and is until the last bit of game.
another great feature in LP2 are the robotic machines that you can get on and attach or detach
weapons to them.they have this transformer looks if you look closely,the sound track i was not
really sure about was good at some points but then it was the same thing again.
so the sound track could have been better if each episode had a different one.
the jungle scene isn't it at all, you are gonna go through a deserts a few rainy scenes, even the space.
the controls were not as good as the are allowed to run for like 10 seconds or even less.but the the speed is not fast at can can not load weapon manually i think*not sure if you can but i could not do it.there is and ability for the change or angle you can change 90 degrees to left or right.maybe usefull in online battles.
the other think cool in the game was the numbers of different characters that you are gonna play as,this feature was good because then you can unlock new characters and even customize each
one.(again good for online boring for co-op campaign).
what capcom is trying to do is that they have made a game with better story at some points compared to Gears Of can just see the game is really close to gears of war series.
some of the monsters or rather the bosses where hard i have to say you cant really do it alone so
that shows the game was ment to be played online co-op maybe with friends.the mission that you
had to cool the ship load the cannon and aim and shoot the monster pissed me off playing in
single player.that was a big disappointment for me on this game.
this is not the only mission that you have to do all.
OK i don't really think this game is as big as other titles out there.but at some points in the game
you are gonna see that it is not that bad and at other points you will see that the game is really nice
and cool to play.
im, gonna give it a 6 out of 10