Another great job from CAPCOM!!!!

User Rating: 8.8 | Lost Planet: Extreme Condition PC
Everyone should be happy that this great developer is bringing their games to the PC ....purely they have the most atmospheric & innovative games off al time like DMC , RE , Lost Planet + others ! Lost Planet is the most beutefull game i'v played on the PC till now i'm not a graphical freak but from what i'v saw i was stunned all the way ... the gameplay of the game is very challlenging if you play it at hier dificulty because every enemy will become more agrressive & the boss battles are more intensense ... you will be surprised when you see how wayne's body react when he jumps are he is hit its just to real ...the mec battles are superb & you will have in different levels a variaty of mech;s for very taste ... i didn't tryied the multiplayer but i'm sure it is great .... i just wanted at first to play it on my 2900 XT to stress the card out & i'm sure you will neet a card like this to play the game properly ... ough i allmost forgot the story wich is a standard story for a sci-fie game with humanity on an alien planet wich depens on survival from the termal energy of the alien race nothing new here but the story is spiced up buy the dialogs & the characters who are very humanlike in emetions this game you will never regret it !