Lost planet can stay lost. Because the first taste is tasty but the after taste... oh the after taste
This game is an other given too much hype for it's boots, this game was so hot when you play the first few levels.
But soon enough the game becomes all about the Suits that all handle the same, like a poor mans Mechwarrior, the akrid die in a very fascinating way at first but then you can only blow bugs to chunks a couple of times before it get boring.
With the controls it feels a bit stiff with out some adjustments in settings but after the settings it's still abit stiff the lack of guns on foot is laugh able and being able to carry and shoot the guns ment for the suits just feels unrealistic if it's ment to be mounted it is ment to be mounted and for some reason they have given you a crouch button that isn't of any use out of online play even then it's of little use.
The boss battles again feel uninspired again, typical find the weak spot and attack attack attack. Boss battles need to get some more flare now, with the sort of games that are being pumped out now a days they should be able to program a engaging boss battle that keeps you hunting for a way to kill it.
To me the story feels like it's held together with wood and nails i've owned this for the 360 and there hasn't been enough changes for the ps3 to keep it fresh.
So in conclusion it isn't fresh enough for players of the xbox 360 version not quite new enough for new players.
Thank you for reading
Blood Diamond