its nice game , fun to kill all the strange creatures and try to stay alive as the story goes , BUT the ending was bad
very good texture , there where few unbalanced situations , problems with some of the bosses [ they where too easy , and if you get to right spot , they just cant reach you :( ]
i really liked the game , driveing VS was really nice experience , till i boost my system "i forgot the same of it . The thing on my elbow" anyhow , than my VS pops up these stupid energy cells and i start to fly , flash light . it was really disturbing . ruined the HOLE game , after that i started to feel like i am just watching my VS using the parts it NEVER HAD BEFORE
other than the bad ending the game was fun
i would rate 8.0 for texture 7.5 for story line 7.5 game play but i give 7.0 because of the last battle that i had a VS that MADE NO SENCE
i would recommend to be played at hard or extreme , that way you really need to act fast and makes the game lost more exciting at normal you don’t even need to pay much attention to your thermal energy , that makes it boring , so stick with the hard and you will have a good time