Compelling story, adictive intense combat. Best suited for angry teenagers and frustated housewifes.
These are some of the most memorable moments in this third person shooter full of intense, hardcore combat from the first level to the very last that will leave you sweating like a waterfall.
Let's start with the story now, shall we? Tough not it's strong point due to it's ever present cliché nature, Lost Planet's history is one full of interesting points, tough most of which you are quite accustomed to from various sci-fi movies. The human race discovers a planet that has the conditions required to colonization and immediately starts the process but the growing population catch's the attention of the local inhabitants, the alien race know as the Akrid. This insect oid race is very primitive and feral and does not like the idea of having to share it's planet the very least. But as it turns out, the blood of the creatures is actually the most powerful energy source ever presented to mankind. Suddenly we wanted the planet ten times more and were willing to fight just as much as the Akrid to get it. This new energy allowed us to create Vital Suits (or VS for short) which are robotic combat suits made specially to eliminate and extract the Akrid's blood, now called Thermal Energy (T-ENG).
You will have to constantly look for more because you need it to survive in the freezing wasteland, it also heals you and depletes over time tough this may look very annoying it's actually not that hard and you will find yourself more often than not quite rich on it.
Now that we have covered the less compelling part of the game lets go to the fun part. The combat. With Lost Planet you hardly have time to breath while taking on wave after wave of enemies that differ from gigantic aliens to simple humans. The controls are the same as most third person shooters, with the addiction of the anchor, which is a hook-shot that let's you reach higher ground and climb every inch of the scenery, but the crown jewel of this game is of course, the robotic suits you will use throughout the level's, from the most simple biped ones which are easily destroyed by your enemies to the most advanced, powerful VS that let you take down the strongest of enemies. As you progress trough the game you will find yourself becoming increasingly dependent on these mechanical war machines. (If you want a game that you can complete with just the hand held weapons and are a robot hater i advise you to spot reading now and search for another one because this one is not for you. On the other hand if you are a fellow giant fighting robot fan, please read on!) You can customize their fire power with various types of weapons you find throughout the landscape from rocket launchers to shotguns. You decide if you prefer using fast, agile VS or heavily armored ones.
BE WARNED: Always keep an eye on your thermal energy level's for vital suits deplete them fast!
And that's all, hope you enjoy this game if you decide to buy, whatever you decide, have fun :)
Your friend,