The best game out on the 360 to date and capcom as great as always and heres there FIRST xbox 360 ONLY game...

User Rating: 10 | Lost Planet: Extreme Condition X360
Ok where to start with this game is hard as both single player and multi player is amazing but have to admit the multi player offers alot more for few reasons you gain ranks (levels) so when you join servers you will get numbers next to your name to show off how much you have played it lol and also theres a voice changer if im right this is the first time there has been one on the 360 you can have a painful little squeak to your voice lol or sound like mike tyson and theres a couple more also theres options to pick what your charater looks like etc on multi player very nice servers by the looks of it as well all seem very stable lag free at the moment...

Single player have to put a word in for the cut scenes there great they are all on for a nice few mins at least not one of those 20 second ones you normally seen and the bad guys you face one second your facing soldiers next your fighting giant spiders and worms amazing graphics and actually hear the snow crunch beneath your feet just superb...

So basically you walk past the game store over the week end and see lost planet you can think to your self it was damn worth buying that and feel glad you got it but if your walking past the shop and only thinking about buying it what the hell you waiting for get your wallet out you tight git lol

just remember this will be the last game you will buy till halo 3 :-) or even crackdown for the the halo 3 beta key lol