exelent gameplay, exelent graphics, good fun all round
the gameplay in lost planet is in my opinion quite fun and enjoyable. as the game progresses you come to face bigger and bigger akrid (the games main enemy, other enemies include rival snow pirates and the mysterious NEVEC group) the enemies you face throughout the game are quite diverse and interesting to say the least. the gameplay is fairly simple, almost run and gun in its style if anything else. what sets this game appart from other run and gun games is the inclusion of the large Vital Suits or VS's for short. the VS's add a whole new level to gamplay, not just in single player but multiplayer aswell. the inclusion of VS's in Multiplayer is probably a master stroke in the game, in a match when you get into a vital suit..... the game changes... dramaticly... its almost sadistic the way that you can take to your petty onfoot foes with reckless abandon blasting them with huge rockets and cannons. vital suits (if properly piloted and supported) in multiplayer can be a huge asset to whichever team they are on. however they arnt invinciable and are suceptable to many things, one cool soloution to an enemy in an open VS is to graple onto them and spray some bullets into the pilot from point blank whilst hanging onto the VS for grim death! all in all Lost Planet is a great game, it has all the tings the that make shooters great, and afew things that make a brilliant addition to the standard formula. that being said this game, like every other, may not be for everyone. ultimatly it comes down to personal choice but lost planet is an exelent game, even if it isnt exactly your cup of tea.