Its not like any game I have ever played, but it's good.

User Rating: 7.5 | Lost Planet: Extreme Condition X360
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is a third-person shooter. You will be on foot most of the time but you can also use Vital Suits also known as a VS. A VS is a large mechanical type robotic thing that has two heavy weapons on each side making blasting through enemies very efficiently.

Lost Planet takes place in the future where conditions on Earth have become too hostile to support human life. The planet E.D.N. lll is cold and snowy and was originally inhabited by a species of aliens known as the Akrid, who forced humanity to abandon E.D.N. lll by strength of numbers. When T-Eng or Thermal Energy was found as a powerful source for energy in the Akrid bodies this made the humans fight the aliens for this new power. The Vital Suit is powered by Thermal Energy and you also need to gather it as you kill enemies so you can withstand the freezing climate.

Most of the game revolves around combat. Wayne, the main character, can use many weapons like machine guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, etc. When on foot Wayne is able to remove the giant turrets from the Vital Suits to use as a weapon. You can carry up to two weapons at once, not including grenades. You will be fighting the Akrid for most of the game but on some levels you will be able to fight Snow Pirates and Mechs. In both single and multiplayer modes there is a Thermal Energy bar below the characters health. This counter continually goes down so if it reaches zero you die. It can be filled by collecting pools of glowing orange heat from dead enemies, activating data posts, or from other things such as explosive barrels. The T-ENG is also used to power plasma rifles and energy weapons.

Online can support up to 16 players in a match. There are four types of game modes; fugitive, elimination, team elimination, and post grab. Killing enemies, destroying VS or hacking data posts will add to the players score. There ia a leveling system so if you just played a match that score is added to your current score from all your matches. The highest level is 99 0r 200 if you have the Colonies Edition.

The multiplayer mode is so much fun that you will want to be playing it again for hours and hours. There are also stuff to unlock when you raise up in your level so it will keep you busy for a while.