Lost Planet Is A Good Game But It Needs Some Minor Touches To Make It Better...

User Rating: 8.2 | Lost Planet: Extreme Condition X360
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is a third-person shooter made by Capcom which is set in a planet called E.D.N III (3). But it isn't safe since these strange creatures also known as the "akrid" invaded your new home planet so every human is forced to flee away from these hostile intruders but humans soon find out their weakness. Shooting their belly full of thermal energy which is a powerful life force. Along the way you encounter dangerous enemies that attack as soon as one of them see you. You play a character called Wayne who is out on a mission with your father until you get attacked by a huge, and I mean huge, green eye and you have to escape with your dad but later on he gets killed by the green eye because he tries to save you but he gets squashed. You end up in the middle of nowhere and suddenly you faint and get taken to these strangers hideout and thats where you start off from.

The story mode is really hard even on the easiest difficulty which let the game down for me because I usually like games which aren't too overated and so challenging that you feel like throwing you Xbox 360 out the window.
I know I have. The story in Lost Planet isn't very convinsing as it is similiar to GTA'S III story which was when you did all these random missions and it didn't make any sense what so ever. As I was saying the missions you were sent to do are pratically go in the akrids "nest" (whatever you call it) and destroy the akrid eggs or get a device etc.

The graphics in Lost Planet are amazing! The explosions look so realistic, the smoke, fire and the force of the explosions really are impressive and look real. The snow affects are neat as whenever you tred, or jump in snow it shows little footprints and tracks of snow from when you were walking. Another posotive fact is that this game is really action packed as their are mahusive monsters trying to eat you while you are trying to do everything in order to survive. The bosses are hard to beat and whenever you are against a massive creature in the snow you see the snow just fly towards you and just creates massive piles, but eventually they dissapear.

The sound is ok but isn't really really good, it could use some adjustments but the sounds of explosions are so good as Capcom really did try to make it sound realisitic and suprisingly enough, it does! However the gun sound affects aren't all that superb as it sounds a tiny bit dull like Gears of War. If your character is against a giant Akrid when it slams the floor and the snow is coming st you full speed to me I couldn't really hear that much.

The selection of weapons is actually well thought of as Capcom just put in the guns you need to use to survive and shoot at enemies with. It is also kind of similiar to Dead Rising because in that game you could only keep weapons which were small and the same goes with Lost Planet.

What really let the game down the most was that it had NO multiplayer at all! So that means no story co-op play nothing that involves split screen, which put a big disadvantage towards the game. Nut yet again most of Capcoms games are like that.

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is a very good game and is worth getting.
However there are some things which are not included which make it feel a bit empty and rushed.