Lost Planet is a very good way to display the Xbox 360's capabilities, but the story and gameplay aren't superb.
The story is has to be the worst part of the game. The story will not win any rewards, counting the fact of the bad voice over. The player will be tortured and bored when he or she will have to sit through many cut scenes of Wayne trying to hit on Luka. Anyways, the story starts out in a planet and the Snow Pirates are trying to fight off the Akrid in the humongous city. Wayne, the story's protagonist, is some kind of a super human being, and he is going to stop the Green Eye from taking over the city. Unfortunately, Wayne's dad is killed by the Green Eye, or is he, and had to retreat and stay into his suit for 30 years. The rest goes on, but eventually you meet a villain, NEVEC, and you must stop the melting of the world and stop the onslaught of the Snow Pirates with Luka, Rick, Yuri, Jim (Really), and some more avatars. Don't even pay attention in this plot because it is already too poor to PAY attention.
The gameplay is another major flaw into the game. You will be on your back, on the ground, being shot at with millions, and this is not a hyperbole, of rockets! Another thing to that sentence, YOU DON'T DIE! Half the time, Wayne will be shot a billion times and land on his back four million times during the campaign. Sure, it cool that the avatar will get stun, almost trip, fall on his back for the millionth time, or maybe get sexually touched wrongly, but it gets very annoying. The game will be displayed in third person, and that is it. The one part of the game that really gets annoying is the Thermal Energy. Let's just say that it too get very annoying with its constant drain of health. VS Suits are very important part, but they play almost exactly like being on foot, so it's just an upgrade. Sometimes, this game will remind the player of a Gundam game, seriously. VS suits will just look like huge robots with horrible pilots. Lost's gameplay is nothing short of just being an average third person game.
The graphics is maybe the major part why Lost Planet is consider a great game. Shooting, killing, and bursting alien eyes are just one of few many great moments of the game. Anyone that had play this will mention that this is a very second nature game that will just blow the hell out of Gears or other games. Vast environments just included with great character design is breaking the limit of what games should really be today, setting a bar. With rarely no load up time or no graphical errors occurring through gameplay, Lost is a very good game to have that phenomena of load times.
The sound is just perfectly fitting into the Tundra land. Great music composed throughout the whole campaign, and very good boss battle music when occurring a good moment. These good sides help this game out, and these elements should never be reconsidered as a worthless element. Honestly, these boss battles have really good tastes of flavor, and these moments are seriously hard and breathtaking. Every boss will need to have a try of two times. This game is hard, and the sound is quite impressive when it comes to some moments.
In conclusion, Lost Planet should be rented and maybe bought for the achievements. It's not superb, but it is obliviously a great game to hoard during the long suffering drought by the dearth of video gaming industry. At the end, Lost will make your day (for an hour).