A decent game including the key Lost characters. But the game is quite simplisitc and far to quick and easy to complete

User Rating: 4 | Lost: Via Domus PC
a good thing, as is expected, is that there are the main Lost characters such as Jack, Kate and Locke who are the main characters in the story. there is also Desmond, Sayid, Sawyer, Charlie, Hurley, Sun, Claire, Jin and Michael, however interactions with all of these characters are extremely limited and some, like Sun and Jin, serve no purpose to actually completing the story. There are also the main 'Others' in Ben, Juliet, Tom and Patchy (the russian guy).

now the bad part, while the main lost characters, outlined above, are in the story, it is quite disappointing to say that apart from these characters and a few others who are not in the TV series, there are no other characters on the island, which was really a big blow to the atmosphere of the whole show. Its not like Hitman where they are 50 or so people in any location, but there are only 5 at most in one area. For example in the opening scene of the game there is Jack, Locke, Kate, Claire, Hurley and Michael all doing thier specific things and that is it. There are no other characters walking around in a daze, no one is injured, there is only one dead body. However in the TV show as you may recall there are dozens of characters all running around, people screaming and trying to help eachother, but none of that in the game. and that is the same story for the rest of the game, there are never any backround characters to give you that feel that you get from the show, which is kind of disappointing.

The graphics were spectacular which great scenery at times and detailed sets of lost were fun to explore like the hatch and the hydra station, you even get to go inside the magnetic room next to the swan. the characters also look pretty good however thier voices are clearly not the voices of the real actors (except for claire, which sounded spot on), which is slightly disappointing considering it wouldnt be that hard to get them to read out a few lines.

there are some nice quotes to read while waiting for the game to load which really emphasise some interesting quotes like "everything happens for a reason". However even by the end of the game these repeat a few times, which is disappointing considering how short the game is and how many things have been said in Lost.

Which brings me to the biggest downfall of the game, playing time. I bought this game a few days ago. That night I installed in around 5-530 in the afternoon and finished the game at about 9-10pm, less than 5 hours playing time. And the game also offers absolutely no replay value (as said in the gamespot review) as the story is completely linear, im talking absolutely no mini quests or subplots, from A to B, theres nothing to do on the way. (you are able to take photos of certain things eg, lockes wheelchair, to unlock things, but these are just scenic photos and a very disappointing unlockable).

Furthermore a good deal of the game is quite childish and pointless. There are two points in the game where you must run down a path jumping over logs by pressing enter, and sliding under trees by pressing spacebar, very childish activites that is far below the standard of the average PC game.

However there are some interesting and at time quite difficult puzzles to solve, which all consist of directing volts around a circuit board in order to get very specific voltages reaching specific points. However even in this you must first walk around like a dope to find the these little objects, which you use to solve the puzzle.

There is however another puzzle-ish feature that occurs in flashbacks. you must aim a camera (your a journalist) and focus the camera and take a picture of a specific moment which will jog your memory (you have amnesia[yes i know, how original]) and take you to a video clip of the flashback revealing the story.

However i must say that by the end the story wasnt all that superb, it was pretty good but not tremendous, and the final twist is just plain wierd. It started out very well in typical lost fashion. mysterious characters and the like, however by the end the whole "lost" feeling of the storyline, was gone.

Now there is one more part to the game that i didnt like and that was one particular level where you have to outrun the monster smokey. This is made all the more annoying due to the fact that you must carry some dynamite and if you run for more that a few seconds you explode. so you must run a few metres then hide in some trees, wait about 30 seconds for smokey to leave before walking to the next set of trees. all in all a painfully slow level.

So thats the game. in summary, plot was pretty good, but could be better, especially for lost, the main characters were there and the game followed the series pretty well. but the game was far too quick, linear, simple and at times pointless.

Overall i wouldnt recommend this game, certainly not now. Maybe wait a few years until the price drops by a lot when people realise that this game isnt all that great. This game was definately one to make a few quick bucks while lost is a big hit, not a true gaming experience.