So easy you will complete it when you rent it first.

User Rating: 8 | Lost: Via Domus X360
If by the time you finished renting this game you don't have 1000 gamer points i will eat my own foot (but that isn't an achievement)

Seriously this game is so easy, but this doesn't make it any less fun or interesting, especially if there is a hint of couch potato or tv buff inside you (plus it doesn't have to be a big thing either, the game shows off its own story pretty well) you may recognise most the characters from the ABC tv show and where as I was lucky and got the game for £1.99 or $5 then even a rent for £3 a week (i completed 1000 full gamer points in 6 hours)

The graphics aren't bad and there was never a point in the game i thought I was getting too frustrated to play. I mean its a game a single player game at that, i shouldn't feel frustrated. I'm really enjoying the Xbox Live arcade community game ( the controller massage ) do you know the one? Well its a bit like this game, it does all the work for you. and basically what should be fun is left as extremely fun. If you are a pro gamer, this might even be a hindrance, but even 1000 gamer points for a pro 360 gamer is a bit thing, especially in 6 hours. Tell me a game where you clocked 1000 points in one game, one play, in 6 hours???

Its fun, and at least you can have conversations with your girlfriends about LOST who probably have no idea about anthing related to do with 360.