lost via domus not a bad game but it not very good either

User Rating: 7 | Lost: Via Domus PS3
lost via domus or the way to home its not a bad game but its disapointing we expect more from ubisoft you play as a jouranalist his name is eliot maslow he suffer from amnesia and he lost his memory when the plane crashed and he want to get his memory back by his photo in his camera the story line is not bad but we want to play as jack or sayid its will be more fun the graphics is not good and the game is very short its take less than 10 hour to complet the game and its very easy there is mini games like runing from that blak smoke or that fuse boxes and that computer quistions if you play lost you will fell that you watch one of the tv episode more than you play a video game i love the game but they could make it better and they show at the end they may will be another series i hope it will be more fun and they dont disapont us so if you are fan with the tv series buy the game or rent it first