gamespot's reviews are 99% correct, HOWEVER this title is a prime example of the 1% they've missed
Lost Winds is a simplistic soothing wiimote puzzle game set in lush, responsive, yet compact environments. The quest is fairly routine for most fantasy games, do the bidding of a benevolent, yet diminished, wind spirit to stop the world from an ancient evil. Nothing new, but its briefness keeps it from feeling too redundant, there is only one boss and the enemies you encounter will be minimal hurdles at best, the main focus of the game is simply to explore.
And explore you shall, ALL of the environments have interesting elements to them that react to the slightest movements of the remote: flickering fires, rustling leaves, waterfalls, and even innocent bystanders can be befuddled by the breezes. I didn't have any problems executing the controls, and i didn't catch any screen glitches that Gamespot maximized in their review. It is challenging however, its not that you can't execute commands, you just don't know what techniques to use on what object to solve the puzzles. Lost WInds would have benefitted from a more detailed manual. Even so, there are always FAQs so it's not too much of a problem.
Gamespot's review is right in two ways, it is short and it is 1000 hard-earned wii points. The story only reaches one real milestone and after you win there isn't too much to bring you back since there aren't any sidequests or minigames. Lost WInds is best played if you play it casually in spurts and have a soft spot for the gorgeous eastern-like charm.
If you're tired of bashing enemies and buttons then go ahead and try Lost Winds. However, if you're on the fence between two 1000 point games then you might want to wait though while its sequel comes out.