A great game, but just too short with a three hour long quest.
You really play as two characters at the same time. A boy with the nunchuck named Toku and the Wiimote controls Enril, a spirit with the power to control wind. Toku really doesn't do anything except walk left and right. Enril will be the one making Toku jump, do techniques, kill enemies, solve puzzles and more. The game has very well placed platforming places at times, tight controls, and good puzzles. An interesting thing is that a second person can join and control another spirit to make Toku fly farther, but not higher. This isn't very exciting though as multiplayer. The control scheme is innovative but not enough to be called revolutionary.
The graphics are crisp and detailed. The whole look of it matched the game theme of a sort of fairy tale game to it. The graphics are breathtaking but can be slightly bland at times, but rarely. The music is a calm tune at times but can change into exciting and energetic tune. The music is good but could of been better.
Overall the game is brimming with innovation and fun gameplay. The problem though is that it will last about 3 hours. Sure, there are 24 Melodia dolls to collect but they serve no purpose except to make the game longer, with no reward. This makes that quest unsatisfying. It is only for completionists. I can reccomend this game to anybody who as 1000 points to spare. But if you don't plan on getting Wii Points in a while, get a game that will last you longer. But if the 3 hour long quest doesn't seem so bad for 1000 points, get it.