LostWinds delivers with great use of motion controls and a wonderful art style.

User Rating: 9 | LostWinds WII
LostWinds is to many the pack leader of the Wiiware launch. To those who are looking forward to playing it, you will not disappointed.

LostWinds' story is fairly simple. You play as a boy named Toku who discovers a stone that harbors the Wind Spirit called Enril. Enril tells you of an evil spirit named Balasaar who is bent on destruction. Your job is to help free Enril from the stone and stop Balasaar. To help Enril, you must first help one of Enril's old friends, Deo, recover his memory which he sealed in 4 chests scattered across Mistralis.

Enril helps you along your quest in many ways, mostly allowing you to control the wind. By using the Wiimote's pointer functionality, you can make a gentle breeze or a powerful gust of wind. Moving plants or other objects in the background or foreground reveals sprites which give you extra lives after collecting enough.

Using the wind allows Toku to jump or float temporarily, as well as move stones or rid himself of his enemies. There is a strong focus on puzzles and platforming (2D platforming to be specific); knowing what to use and when to use it is a key.

Graphically the game is incredible, especially for a down loadable Wii game. The game has excellent lighting, some that puts most full fledged Wii games to shame. Environments are well detailed and have well used color palette. The art style in general is pleasant to look at.

Sound wise the game is not as great. Some of the voices are just down right terrible and could have come out of an N64 game. Luckily, you aren't going to be hearing these voices unless you use the wind on those people, so it's not that big of a deal. The music is great however, and fits the game well.

Overall LostWinds is great game without any bad moments from start to finish. Great motion controls and excellent graphics put LostWinds a step above the rest. The only issue is that for $10 you would expect a game longer then 3 hours (or less), but the experience is well worth it. With a sequel already announced by Frontier, you can expect to restore the winds soon, but for now, LostWinds is as good as it gets for a downloadable game.