A ghost buster fighting game on saving mario in this epical quest fighting ghost wherever they go this is luigismansion
good- It has great puzziling and many other great features that make this game great. It's completely revolutionary, and it is the first game that you only play as luigi
Bad side-It is a fun game the first time through but it gets worse each time you play it because you know everything and it just get repetitive.
back to review i would recommend you rent it first before you get it because you may not like it. But if you like the ghost busters movie you will like Luigis Mansion. In luigi's mansion your main foe is king boo so if you liked it when you rented it beat the game and then sell it or get rid of it afterwords because it is not much fun your second time through.But this game sucks you in and instead of being mario in many games you only play as luigi in this game. If you have any questions i beat this game 13 times through and I will help if you if you need any help. Thanks for reading my review.