Luigi is the star of the show in this game, and he pulled off a very good performance!

User Rating: 8 | Luigi Mansion GC
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It's time for the Luigi's Mansion review! For the Gamecube!

This game was a launch title when the Gamecube first came out. The story is about Luigi, not Mario this time, how he has won a mansion from a contest he didn't even enter. Luigi travels to the mansion in search of Mario who went to the mansion earlier, but has now gone missing. As Luigi starts to search through the mansion, he meets professor E. Gadd. To help Luigi find Mario, professor Gadd gives Luigi one of his inventions, the Poltergeist 3000. This is a special kind of vacuum that can suck up ghosts. He also gives Luigi the Game Boy Horror, a device that lets you communicate with professor Gadd, and it also acts as your map, and item list. So with the vacuum and Game Boy Horror equipped, Luigi heads off to the mansion.

While searching through the mansion, you will come across many ghosts that you have suck up with your Poltergeist 3000. To do this, you have to quickly shine your flashlight on the ghost, then quickly start sucking it up with the P. 3000. It can be a bit tricky at first, but after about 5-10 minutes, it's no problem.

As you go through, you will notice many different items in each of the rooms you come across. You can pull, tap, or even use the P. 3000 to disrupt the items which will sometimes produce hearts, money, or even ghosts!

When you first enter a new room, you will have to suck up all the ghosts to illuminate it. When you do this, a treasure chest will appear which can hold various things including keys which will open up new doors in the mansion.
I've heard many people say this game is too easy. I wouldn't say this. Some parts can be easy, and some can be difficult. To beat this game, you're going to have to use a lot of logical thinking, because it's not all just sucking up the ghosts, there are many puzzles as well. If you think about it, this game is one gigantic 3D maze, with a bunch of puzzles put throughout.

The graphics are good. This was a launch title for the Gamecube so I wasn't expecting the game to dazzle me with anything special. Since it's a Mario, or in this case, Luigi game, the graphics have that cartoony look to it which I enjoy.

The controls are very good. You hold down the R button to vacuum up items and ghosts, and hold down the B button to shut off your flashlight, then release to bring it back on again. You move Luigi with the analog stick of course, but to move the vacuum nozzle or your flashlight, you will use the C-stick. Now moving the vacuum or flashlight up and down was no problem, but moving them left to right was tricky, for me. This was one of those issues that you normally have in a first person shooter. You know, where you can have the controls on regular or inverted. I didn't like that you couldn't change it, but it wasn't a big deal.

You can change the movement controls which cause Luigi to walk sideways, and to rotate him you use the C-stick. I didn't like this, so I left it on its default.
As you go through, you will receive upgrades to your vacuum. Upgrades like shooting out fire or water. These elemental upgrades can "damage" ghosts instead of sucking them into the vacuum, but they are used more to solve puzzles throughout the mansion. You can use these upgrades by pressing the L button.

To get through the mansion, you need to capture certain ghosts. These ghosts were presumably the previous attendants of the mansion. To capture them, you will have to interact with them in a specific way, because as soon as you look at them, they will disappear. To figure out what to do, you can use your Game Boy Horror to look at the ghosts. If you press A, the ghosts will say something that will give you a clue on how to disrupt them.

Once you capture a certain amount of the special ghosts, you will come across the boss ghost. Once you capture the boss ghost, the "level," so to speak, ends. Your money is tallied up, and you're granted a special key that will gain you access to a new area of the mansion.

A problem that I had with this game was not really a problem I guess, come to think of it, but more of an annoyance. As you're playing, Luigi will hum or whistle to the song that is playing the background! I thought that this was pretty cool in the beginning, but since the song repeats over and over and over again, they both become annoying. It's not a huge issue, but it can get on your nerves.

Luigi's Mansion is a very good game. Good graphics, very good controls, fun interesting gameplay, and since Luigi is the star of this game, how could you not like it?

The only downsides that I found were that one, the turning controls could be a bit tricky at times, for me. They may not be for some people. And two, the music keeps repeating itself over and over. And since Luigi likes to hum and whistle to the song, it makes it more annoying over time.

But overall, it's still a fun and unique game, and I'd recommend it to anyone. Good job Squigy, you did very well.

This game gets a 4/5 with the title of Awesome!

0-1.5=Total Crap!