Ok Luigi's Mansion for GC its a great game, but the downside is, its extremely short, the average gamer could beat it in about 6 to 9 hours. Dispite the fact of how short the game is, the visuals of the game are good, and the graphics are crisp. The controls, are actually pretty good, at first the controls need getting use to but after about 20 to 30 minutes, you'll get use to it. The storyline of the game is Luigi's won a mansion in a contest that he didnt even enter, then he goes out to the mansion and finds out from Proffesor E.Gadd who you will shortly meet when you begin the game, tells you that your brother Mario got captured by the Boo's in the mansion, so Luigi gets the Polterguist 3000 from Professor E. Gadd to extuinguish the ghosts inside, and to find his brother. The detail of the game is outstanding, and the ghosts personality's are good. When you progress through the game you will get keys to open certain doors, new powers for your vacuum, such as the Water element, which makes it so that Luigi can shoot water out of his vacuum, theres also the Fire element, which makes it so that Luigi can shoot fire out of his vacuum, these features come to play shortly after you get these powers. In the rooms in the game, theres money hiddin in furniture tables, etc. You also can find blocks of gold in some rooms too. Though I do have a few complaints, sometimes when your in the middle of sucking up a ghost, they get loose for apsalutely no reason, some of the harder ghosts can get out of it like that though, but not right away, for it must be a glitch in the game, another slight complaint I have is the bosses are easy, not too much of a challenge with the bosses, even the final boss isnt very hard to beat. Overall I think this game is amazing, though it may be very short, its still one of my favorite games.
Luigi's Mansion was a release title for the Nintendo Gamecube, that shows off what the Gamecube could do, graphically speaking. This game seems to be more of a tech demo, but it still comes off as one extremely fun and i... Read Full Review
This is a one of a kind game. This game is outstanding in quality, and for it's time the graphics were not half bad.This is a unique game that has a lot to offer. I've completed this twice and i still continuously find t... Read Full Review