I bought this game on the day NGC's release day and it both blew me away and got me hooked for two days until i completed it, i totally love the graphics and effects and some of the boss battles are brilliant, and although you sometimes have to find out how to get to where you need to go, it never takes you too long that you get frustrated (ala resident evil), as well as great graphics it also has nice lighting effects and lovely sound and music, so yes it may be a little short and a tad easy for veterans and half decent gamers alike, this is one of the best gaming experiences of my Life, as it was fun, great visually and lastly after ELEVEN years of owning i still go back and play it right through a sign of a great game, so if you haven't already go out and pick this fun game up and ENJOY.
Luigi's Mansion was a release title for the Nintendo Gamecube, that shows off what the Gamecube could do, graphically speaking. This game seems to be more of a tech demo, but it still comes off as one extremely fun and i... Read Full Review
This is a one of a kind game. This game is outstanding in quality, and for it's time the graphics were not half bad.This is a unique game that has a lot to offer. I've completed this twice and i still continuously find t... Read Full Review