GoonZu Online The Review
In GoonZu character customization is nearly absent, well accept from the choice to pick male or female characters and even then you get to pic the western adn eastern versions of teh characters thats a wopping 4 different choices. but on the pluse side all the armour that you buy and equip to your character shows on the playing feild. but if you can live with the world being over run with clones then it shouldn't be a problem , there is also the fact that GoonZu only has one server which limits you to three ( 3 ) charasters each , but in my opion that is enough. Ok as soon as you are brought into the world of GoonZu you are greated my a npc named Sarah she well pop up and teach you the basics. she along with two other npc standing near her well start you on a very long adventure of killing little happy looking monster and gathers large amounts of items. it is a good idea to talk to all three npc's seeming that sometimes the items that you need in a certian quest come frmo the monsters you are killing in the quest you are presently doing. you well find that life as a noob in this game is rather sweet seeming you have free teleportaion back toteh starting town up til level 15. One downfall to the game is that when you die you lose a certian percent of the money you have on you i am un aware of what percentage is lost but it is some where between teh lines of 10-15% but at times if you are carryign alot of money on you this could be a big deal. Each tuime your character gains a level you recieve 5 points to add to your stat of choice and you also get one skill point per level. to put up a skill in this game you need to buy books which teach you the skill for each skill there is three different levels Beginner , Exp, and Master. In other games i've played killing the same creature over and over again becomes tedious at best and painful at worst. this game well have you killing teh same creatures so many times that you'll actually learn where each of them spawn. lol. The best part about this whole game is that the economy is really great. in this game there are no npcs that sell wepons you either have to make them you go to the market and buy the weapon. the market is where you and otehr players sell and buy goods that you make or lootfrom drops even though the prices some times are really high you can sell a common item that drops froms a level 1 monster in bulk for 500[M] a peice there for if you have 20 peices of rice and you put it in the market for 500 [M] a peice you can easly make alot of money , however you have to pay commision on every thing you sell, adn the money you make from the item when some one buys it get directly disposted into the bank which in most town is right next to the market. With the bank you are charged to with drawl money the percent you are charged changes from town to town so keep a eye on what each bank is charaging you to use . I give this game a rating of 7.3 for good game play , but horrible music at times and another boost is the good economy style of this game. :)
I hope this little intro guide well help you in playing this game . have fun and enjoy.