Unexpectedly addictive.

User Rating: 7.5 | GoonZu Online PC
Review for Luminary :

Overall (Brief Summary) :
The game,despite lacking out to most downloadable MMOs out there in terms of graphics,it wins almost every other MMOs in terms of the gameplay variety.The large variety of gameplay features makes up for it's somewhat pitiful graphic features and effects.It is definitely a game not to be missed by hardcore RPG fans and perhaps some of our stimulation friends out there.

Graphics / Effects ;
The graphics of this game,I must admit,is pathetic.The characters and buildings are of abnormal sizes and if it's an attempt of making the characters "Cute" , it's no where near the case.However,the frequent appearances of Anime Portraits ought to make up for the visually disdainful graphics of the gameplay.

Horse Riding :
Once you reach Level 15,you will be awarded with a Horse and the ability to ride one.Essentially,your horse acts as your transport and porter,acting as an extra Inventory Bag for you.However,you must feed your Horse frequently to maintain it's strength.Mounts are not restricted to Horses either and Mounts have their own limited amount of lifetime available.

Guardian Spirits & Summons :
Summons are essentially pets to a certain extent.Guardian Spirits on the other hand are unlocked at much later levels.

Politics(?) :
Well,essentially,each and every town is ruled by a player (Or the GM) .You earn the revenue of the city you conquered but you also need to protect it from other players.I really doubt many of them have a treaty or something since players like to wage war so much :P Don't worry though,war will not affect you as long as your faction is not part of it.

Taxes :
Oftenly,there are Taxes charged for several features of the game such as the Marketplace.

Marketplace :
This is something like an Aunction.You place your goods up for sale,place a price and wait.Note that taxes will be charged according to the price of your goods.

Skills :
You need to read a book in order to learn a skill or even start a certain skill at all.Skills can vary from combat arts such as swordplay to smithing.However,once you unlocked the skill via book,you can start training it by constantly (Smithing etc. etc. )

Parameters :
Like most other MMORPGs out there,you need to allocate your status.Do not worry about it too much as you can reset it at the levels of 10 and 30.

Residence :
Well,you can't be a homeless can you?Essentially,every player starts their citizenship in the beginner's city.

Stocks :
Not the stocks as in products but I actually mean shares as such.Relief your business skills in this game by buying stocks and selling 'em.Be warned though,if you don't visit that city often enough,your stock will vanish.

Mentor System :
Basically,if you chose a Mentor,that particular person will guide you till your level 50.

Quests :
Unfortunately,there isn't a system in the game to tell you what quests are available for you to do so you literally have to search every crook and cranny (Or refer to guides) to find the quests you need.

Game Info System ;
This is what I'm quite impressed about.They actually had the consideration to add a search system in the game itself of which you can find info about monsters,items etc. etc. and where they can be found and stuff like that.No more Alt Tab to switch between the screens to find your prey!

Overall :
Basically,this game is not for those who prefer hardcore and stimulative action sequences.It is meant for either retro gamers,gamers who prefer a large variety of features and those who are into MMORPGs or RPGs.