A game with a good gameplay and interesting characters, but lacks in a good plot.

User Rating: 7 | Luminous Arc DS
Luminous Arc fo the DS

The Good- The gameplay is quiet solid and can be challanging at time, has a nice opening animation with decent sprites, the voice overs are quiet good once you get used to them.

The Bad- The controls will take a few rounds to get use to, the map does not move so its hard to see whats going on at times when tons of characters are grouped together, bad storyline.

Welcome to my new style of reviews since gamespot made it like theres with the stupid only total score I made my own style with there old style included.

Luminous Arc is a stratagy game for the DS and some RPG elements.

Gameplay- 8/10
The gameplay in this game is preety solid, with back attacks doing the most damage to side attacks doing a bit less to the front attack doing the least so its got that down right at least. Characters will be able to equip armor and weapons and a hat to there selves boosting there states. At the beginning of the game theres new stuff at every town you visit, but halfway through the game you get like no shops, giving levels more meaning since you can never change equipment. They should have spread out the shops instead of giving you them all at the beginning. The game takes place on a huge map which you press the buttons to travel to each location. On the map is towns and the annoying random battles which be annoying at times when your backtracking but are wonders when you may need to level up a bit. The game system is on a 3D screen with little sprites. Each attacks,has skills you use which usualy boost there states or do some special like attack three enemies with a sword. Some have magic, namely the witches in this game, which use up mp. Each character has there own weapons and attack types, along with there own special attacks which power up at you kill enemies or time passes along. As you progress you learn new skills and magic spells giving the game a bit more meaning then some games. All this is added up by leveling up as you gain levels like most games of this style. Controls I will just stick in here and tell you at first there annoying as it seems the screen is tilted sideways so the buttons seem a bit off. Like up goes right and such, but you will get use to it after a couple rounds like I did.

Graphics -7/10 The opening is preety bland to look at but its nice for the DS, sadly its the only cut scene in the whole game except for a short picture animation at the end of the game. Through the main game you get several pictures of characters in different emotions but in still form. On game you get small little sprites which look good enough, but the graphics could of been sharper and some enemies in there pictures look nothing like there sprites do.

Sound- 8/10 Great voice overs, except for the odd exception like theo which his voice makes you wanna cry. One problem is the voices go on and then turn off but in the same cut scene which makes no sense. Either use complete voice acting for the section or none at all pick one please! The music is just ok but nothing to thrilling to get you pumped. The sound effects are ok with grunts from getting hit to attacking with your sword at enemies. Overall its well balanced.

Storyline- 5/10 yah finally I get to make my own section! Storyline for all games means something, but doesn't always have to be the main source of the game. This sort of game, a storyline should be second to it. A game is nothing without a good storyline, sadly this one is one of them. The game is preety bland and boring with the story as you go to hunt witches, they become your friends, you attack the church, god comes to life, he's evil you kill him, no one dies you live happily ever after. Wow preety boring right? Indeed, enough said.

Extra material and Replay Value- 6/10 Another one of my new features to my reviews. This game allows you connect with your characters through intermissions in which you get to know the characters better and they get a bonus in battle when with Alph. Theres some extra missions in the game but most are preety bland and boring but can be done through the main story. When you beat the game it allows you to do one of those challange dungeons with many many floors. Its dull, basic extra but its nothing we havn't seen but at least they added it right? Overall this game gives you little extra material but enough to say there is some and the replay value is preety dull since the storyline was so basic. How my scores system goes
Gameplay Score x 3
Graphics x2
Sound x2
Storyline x2
Extra's and Reply x1
For a grand total of 100 marks.
Luminous Arc Total Score 70 makes for a total of 7/10