The game has an amazing amount of voice acting for a DS game and the story is great so is the gameplay.

User Rating: 9 | Luminous Arc DS
The only thing lacking in this game in terms of a SRPG is length since the Final Fantasy Tactics game has lasted me 50 hours (A2) or 70 hours (War of the Lions) but i love the amount of voice acting in it its great. Characters: Alph is your typical save them all kinda main character and the game does a good job of balancing the Physical and Magical characters in it with the Ryms/Humans/Witches. If your looking for an SRPG for the DS that's not all about length get this one its rare i finish Tactics games but this one i just couldn't put down its a great game. Another minor improvement to the game would be to allow for better leveling late game it becomes a real grind fest and its impossible to get certain characters leveled up since they lack buffs/heals and get very low exp. But with a little bit of grinding its not that bad so in all my scores for the game are:
Graphics: 10/10
Story: 9/10
Sound: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10

Average Score: 9/10