I like this game!
Anime (Yes)
Overbreak Skill: (Yes)
Dating Sim: (sort of)
Storyline-where-we-find-out-the-badguys(gals)-are-the-goodguys-and-the-goodguys-are-the-badguys (yes)
Horrible squeeky voice for youngest character (yes!)
Stupid STUPID ACCENTS!!! (Priel: "LIke hi girlfriend")
Okay you may be wondering why I like this game, the first three reasons are good things in my book. The artwork is great and although the storyline is linear you can meander along it training and customizing equipment. everything is neatly explained and the shop screen (which so many games mess up) clearly shows if the item will increase or decrease (and when you have bought it the equip screen shows exactly which stats are increased.
Oh yeah, the one annoying thing, the voices, sometimes there sometimes not, oh I don't know it's there to add depth to the characters and in some ways it works (although Priel needs a gag)