ok my real review

User Rating: 4 | Lunar Genesis DS
Ok I found my first review to be bad I know that now heres a real one. Lunar is a poor RPG.You fell like your only watching the battles not playing them The AI is so bad that you watch your guys get beat wile all you can do is heal them. The storey is no better ubi soft did not spend much time on it and it shows. Talking is just poorly wrote text.That you seen in other games. The puzzles are bad and have the hardness of a grade school storey problem.In fact I the first puzzle was a problem i did in the 2nd grade. They don't get any better. You can't go around the world freely your stuck to squares in places.If you run you lose HP. The places you go seem beaten down like you been there before. This RPG is not well done and we have done all this before.Only it's poorly done. If your a lunar fan skip this.Wast of $40.